Dear all,
I hope this finds you all well this December. It’s pretty cold out there and my hot stones are on the sizzle waiting for you in Room 2 at St Augustine’s Arts and Events Centre.
A safe, warm place for you to feel private and relaxed….
With the hype of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the fact that your neighbour already has their tree up in the window, the rush up to Christmas can leave us overwhelmed and exhausted!
If you’re not careful, the pressure and overload that comes with the festive period could result in you feeling resentful and turning into a burnt out Scrooge!👾
😇Here are a few ideas to create a more relaxed Xmas holiday…….
Get a daily dose of Oxytocin:
This amount of stress on top of the challenges on everyday life mean that our brains and bodies are in a constant state of fight-or-flight. Oxytocin (our ‘happy hormone’), influences cortisol. In order to keep cortisol from taking over the body, a daily dose of Oxytocin could help you stay balanced and relaxed.
Some ways to secrete oxytocin are:
- Hugs
- Laughter
- Stroking a pet
- Breathe work
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Massage
- Listening to music
- Random acts kindness
☃️SECRET SANTA❄️Instead of giving into everyone’s Xmas list, try ‘Family Secret Santa’. This way you spend less time shopping and you save a lot of money. You will have more time relaxing and connecting with your friends and family which is what Christmas is all about. You only have to worry about children’s stockings then – if the kids have specific things they want and need then, they can ask Santa, so the magic can stay alive! |
Tone down the decorations?…
You mustn’t feel obliged to dig out the same old traditional Christmas decorations or even have a tree. Some simple and neutral fairy lights or some candles might be enough? They give a lovely, warm glow and a cosy atmosphere without necessarily driving forward the Xmas message which to some people might be a difficult time, particularly if they are recently grieving after the loss of a loved one or they are spending Christmas alone this year.🎄
Schedule in some down-time….
Learn to say ‘no’. You don’t have to show up to every Xmas party!
Schedule in a time with nothing planned so that in the moment, you can make it a time for a long hot bath, a nap, a walk in nature or whatever your mind and body needs.
Make it regular so that your body, brain and nervous system become accustomed so they know it’s coming. If you know you have it booked in, you will cope better.
It’s also about tuning in and listening to yourself rather than ploughing on and ignoring your own needs.
And lastly, meet my lovely robin friend…(see bottom right)
He shared my lunch with me. We spent about an hour together. After this very special, spontaneous bond with him in his natural surroundings, the rest of the day slowed down a little. Life felt lighter somehow….😊✨
✨Think of the New Year and learn to prioritise self-care.
Book a massage and consider making it a regular part of how you are going to look after yourself from now on. 🙏🏼