We’re coming to the end of the holidays…. It’s been lovely, but I’m sure you’re all craving a bit of routine!

A good, natural routine works wonders for your body and mind….
Your body remembers what you do to it and feels safer, more grounded and therefore less anxious when it knows what is coming.
That is why setting your body a routine whereby it can rely on, can only contribute to good health and reduced stress levels. This becomes even more important when the body is healing, or processing major stressors, or going through life transitions. Lack of structure can contribute to feelings of anxiety and poor productivity. Establishing patterns into your day can help you manage your time, improve focus, and more easily face any challenges that occur.

A few thoughts and a little preparation can help manifest a stable structure to your day.
Here are a some ideas to get you started:-
1) Get up at the same time everyday and establish a regular bedtime routine.
2) Go outside everyday so that your body can absorb natural light.
3) Exercise (Make it the same time every day so that you won’t put it off. You will feel so much better if it is part of your day!)
4) Meditate, include down time whether it’s a power nap or doing nothing for at least half an hour.
5) Make sure you’re on time or even a little early for appointments and anything you have to show up for. If you’re often late this can leave you feeling scattered and less focussed.
6) Schedule in your self care. Book yourself a massage…Knowing you have something in the diary is a great way of helping your body know that ‘rest is coming’ – a great coping mechanism.